
UCSB Associated Students

The Associated Students (A.S.) of the University of California, Santa Barbara is a non-profit organization and a department of the UCSB campus, funded by undergraduate student fees. Through elected student positions and appointments we voice student concerns and express student opinion to the UCSB administration, UC system, our community, and state and local governments. We have dozens of boards, committees, and commissions that are organized and funded through A.S. to enrich student life and give students services and opportunities not offered by the administration. Our mission is to help students uphold the high academic standards and give them leadership, employment, cultural and growth opportunities to serve the campus community.

Where Your Fees Go

The principle source of revenue for A.S, is the registration fee paid by each undergraduate student each quarter. Student activities and co- sponsorships are monies coming into A.S. from collaborative projects. Other income includes revenue from our Business Services such as Publications and the Bike Shop and interest from investments.

Expenditures for student programs include all of the activities of A.S. Boards, Committees, Commissions and student groups that request funds throughout the year. Other expenses reflect the operating costs necessary to run the organization.